This is my life. This is me following God. Wherever. Be it down back to school or to a new country. I'm letting Him lead me wherever I go.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Changed web address
I planned on only using for my trips to Ecuador. But God had different plans. Ecuador was supposed to be the last "hoorah" of my short term missions. I never planned on going to Panama.
But all I can do is follow God. He knows where He's taking me and what He's doing in my life. I'm just here to follow after Him and live my life for Him.
So please, join me on this journey.
And if you're here to donate/purchase one of my handmade bags/aprons/headbands/potholders - thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it!!
Amy Lynn
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Blogging Fail...and fundraising ideas
I had grand dreams of recounting the whole 3 weeks in Ecuador on here...and I got through 2 ministry days. Oops.
Life kinda happened and time got away from me.
I wanted to let you all know that God has given me one more opportunity to work with Susie Magazine and Big World Venture and I'll be heading to Panama next summer for the same trip, different location.
I have a little more advanced notice this time, and I want to be more creative in how I raise money this year. I'm out of school now and am working more and realized that God has provided these jobs for me and I want to use the opportunities He has given me to raise a portion of the money needed through work. So each paycheck, I'm setting aside a small amount that will add up over the next 9 months.
And a week ago, I was looking at different blogs and came across a tutorial to make a sweet purse.
An idea was sparked.
I discovered several other tutorials and I currently have several projects planned out in my head.
Tonight I completed my first one and I thought I'd share it with you:
Several Pockets on the inside |
Design #2 |
Sneak peek of new fabrics |
Fun Fall Pot Holders |
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Reminisce: Quito, Ministry Day 2
I've kept in touch with many people from Ecuador and I'm really missing them.
And I sent in my application for Panama next summer. I honestly did not think about going to Panama until I was actually in Ecuador. We'll see what God has planned for this next year - I was planning on heading to nursing school in May, but I think I'll now be looking at schools that start in the fall.
But, without further a-do - Ministry Day 2:
We started out the day by going to a park. It was a beautiful day and the park was close to our hotel. Our translators directed us to a central plaza and we gathered by a large cross. I know Lorena told us the story about why the cross was there, but I can't remember it.
We finished up everyone's makeup for the drama and then broke into small groups to walk around and invite people to come to our drama.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Reminisce: Quito, the beginning
As I recount the many memories that my trip to Ecuador this summer encompasses, I figure I'll start right out with our time in Quito - I think I did an adequate job of recounting our time in Miami while we were still there ( - if you want to read more about it)
Ministry Day 1:
We started our first ministry day without our entire team. Our team was split into 4 or 5 different flight groups and there were delays on almost all flights except the one I was on. While most groups made it to Quito for our first ministry day (one group arriving at 2 am, I think), one group dealt with more cancellations and travel changes than the rest. One student and one leader from my team were on the delayed flight. They didn't arrive in Quito until Friday evening. As frustrating as everything was for them, they made the most of it. I only heard a few of the stories, however.
We went out on our first ministry day lacking one of our mimes and had to make some adjustments so that the show could go on. It just wasn't the same without Cierra and we were quite relieved to have her back the next day!
We gathered in the hotel lobby after breakfast and team time (two separate times for everyone...except me - I grabbed breakfast on my way to team time) and headed out into the city with our 4 amazing translators. For our first day we went to a plaza at Santo Domingo, in Old Town Quito. It looked familiar to me, but I don't remember a specific time going there last summer.
We set up our sound equipment and tied all of our bags together. While everyone grouped up into "pods" and went out with the translators to invite people to the drama, I took charge of watching the bags. There were a few others who stayed close to our "base" against a gate and we talked with a few people who came to see what was going on (I'm sure we looked quite strange to them). Everyone jumped right into their part in the ministry - so much fun to watch!
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Sin separating the Toymaker and his Son from the Toys |
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The Toymaker sending his son into the world |
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Crucifixion of the Toymaker's son |
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Praying with the Ecuadorians |
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
And so ends my time in Ecuador again...
I miss so much about this trip already - the people, the places, the events. There's so much that no one understands except my friends from the trip. This is one of many reasons I'm very thankful for facebook and know that despite a slight addiction to facebook, at this point, I can't willingly give it up - that would mean forfeiting many conversations with dear friends from the trip (as I do not have phone numbers yet).
It was odd saying goodbye to everyone on this trip. It wasn't as hard as when I went to Peru. Back then I really had no idea if I'd stay in touch with my friends or if I'd ever see them again. I have stayed in touch with them and I've seen several of them in the past 5 years. I know that God will bring me back together with some of my friends from this trip to Ecuador. And there's facebook to keep us connected.
What was weird about the goodbyes was how scattered my team was when it came time to say goodbye.
On the way to Quito, we were in 4 or 5 different flight groups. This was because some people were only going to be there for 2 weeks, while a select few of us would be staying an extra week. So when it came time to say goodbye, we had 4 people leave on a Saturday afternoon and we said goodbye to them while we were at the Equator...only to see the group as we were getting back to the hotel. I said goodbye to the 2 that were leaving in the middle of the night and the 6 that were heading to the Galapagos and leaving early the next morning...but then I woke up early and saw the Galapagos group off.
I also said goodbye to the majority of my team on Saturday night because I thought my group was heading out early to go to Otavalo. But it turned out that we went to a local church service and then returned to the hotel before leaving for Otavalo. So I saw people that I had already said goodbye to on Sunday morning and ate lunch with them.
At the end of the 3rd week, our Otavalo group split into two as the first group left at noon this past Saturday and my half of the group left 12 hours later. We joined up with part of the Galapagos group for our flight back to Miami. And once in Miami, there were several people from the earlier flight that we got to see as well.
I guess everything was just so mixed up and jumbled that I wasn't really sure when I was going to see someone for the last time, until I saw my last students off on the plane yesterday and boarded the plane bound for Minnesota with 5 others from the trip that I didn't know too well. It wasn't until I saw my roommate drive up at baggage claim to pick me up that I realized that it was really over.
So much time and effort and thought went into this trip, and it truly was amazing and life changing. I made some amazing friendships and I had the greatest teams ever. I will never forget the opportunities God gave me and how He stretched me outside my comfort zone, a lot. I want to share those memories with you all. I didn't have much time while we were in Ecuador, but I'm going to go back through my pictures and journals and share memories and stories from each day over the next few weeks. So please, check back often, I'd love to share everything with you!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Last Ministry Day
It's really feeling like the trip is coming to a close. When we left Quito, it was hard to say goodbye to everyone on my team because I knew that I still wasn't going home.
We had three long days of work projects (mostly painting) and we ended up cutting our day short today to have some time to relax. Today was a bit different than our other work days in Otavalo. We've been working at Compassion International sites, but the site we went to this morning was under construction. We worked hard the whole morning carrying buckets of sand up to the third floor of the building. We created a bucket brigade to bring the sand up the stairs and then also created two "pulley" type systems that our fearless leaders - Jed & Chuck - were in charge of.
Right now, part of our group is on a trip to see some waterfalls, while a group of us stayed back at the hotel for some R&R. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we will be going to a Crater Lake - I'm not sure of the name though. After the crater lake, we'll be stopping in Cotacachi - a town known for their leather. Saturday will be an early morning as we head to the large market in Otavalo for some shopping. Half of our group heads to the airport at noon on Saturday for an overnight flight into Miami while the rest of the group and I have an extra 12 hours before heading to Quito at midnight.
In the past 3 weeks, I've taken over 1700 pictures...I've narrowed it down to my 600 favorite that I'll be putting on facebook later. Here's a few, but I'll post more later - it's great to have internet, but it isn't the best for uploading pictures.
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Abram helping us paint the school |
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We took some breaks to play with the neighborhood kids |
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We painted the building blue - and did as much as we could with what paint we had |
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Bucket Brigade! |
Monday, July 11, 2011
Yesterday the group split up - the majority flying to Miami, with one part heading to the Galapagos early in the morning and our small group of about 30 going to a local church service and then driving to Otavalo.
Yesterday we had some time to relax, ate a delicious dinner complete with chocolate cake, had some team time by a campfire (much needed as it's cooler here, especially at night) and got some much needed sleep (our curfew was 8:30 and I was in bed by 9 - it felt so good to sleep 10 hours...the most I had been getting was between 6-7, and with all that we've been doing, I need more).
Today we woke up to a delicious breakfast and hot chocolate...and no hot water. We spent the day in Cayambe working at a Compassion International school painting the classrooms. We were prepared to have another lunch of peanut butter & jelly/honey, but much to our surprise, the wonderful ladies at the school prepared an Ecuadorian meal of llapingachos, chorizo, habas and more. It was wonderful.
We just got back about an hour ago and are looking forward to some more good team time tonight.
I'll post some more pictures from last week and his week once I get my computer up and in the dining room - where we can get internet.
Amy Lynn
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Brief Update
I'll try to give a few updates about the last few weeks in tid-bits so the posts don't get too long - there's just so much to share!!
My team is amazing, no doubt about it. I know that God brought us all together for a specific purpose and that He hand-picked each member of the team. I didn't feel like I really knew the team until we made it to Ecuador and started our ministry days. When the students were working on learning the drama and spending time together we (LITs and leaders) had other things that needed to get done.
Our ministry days have consisted of performing a drama that is the story of the Gospel - from creation to Christ's death and resurrection. It's so fun to be on other side of the drama and watch the students perform every day. After the drama, someone from the team gets up and explains it and how it relates to the Gospel and then shares their own testimony (all through a translator).
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Barrier of sin between the Toymaker (God) and His Son (Jesus) & the toys |
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Our wonderful clown :) |
The other day we were at a park, working with a local church, and during the drama, my team leader came up to me and asked if I could explain the drama and give my testimony to the many school children gathered to watch. I only had about 5 minutes before the end of the drama, but I agreed. I started out talking in Spanish, but there were a few things I didn't know how to say and so the translator told me to just talk in English and she'd translate. By the end, I had what seemed like 30-40 kids pray to accept Jesus!! It was so fun! And then we passed out presents to all the kids who came - and we attempted to keep track of who received a gift by putting a stamp on their hand, but some kids were trying to be sneaky.
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The kids watching the drama after they got out of school |
Britt Nicole (a Christian singer/songwriter) came down for a few days and had a concert for us on Sunday. On Saturday her and her friend, Gabby, spent the day with our team. It was fun to get to know them both - they're such sweet girls.
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Britt, Mattie, Delaney & Gabby |
AND...I finally got my MORA ice cream :) I've had a lot of it - although I've only found Mora ice cream bars on one of our ministry days...but I've made several trips to Crepes & Waffles
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My first (of two) Mora bars on our 2nd day :) |
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
We're all here and ready to go!
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Drama try-outs |
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Working on the drama |
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Our fearless leader, Lia |
We head out for Ecuador in the morning. My team is in 5 different flight groups - I'll be leaving the hotel at 3:30 am and arriving in Ecuador at 3:30 pm, with a layover in Colombia. Please pray for safe travel and smooth transitions for everyone!!
Amy Lynn
Sunday, June 26, 2011
It's Finally Here!
And I'm loving it.
I'm on Team 1 and despite what anyone else says about their team - we're the best. Hand's down :P Our leaders have such a great vision and we're all starting to connect already - I can't wait for the students to get here tomorrow too.
Yesterday everyone came in at different times. I got in around 1 from Minneapolis. There were three other LITs on my flight and as I approached the gate before boarding my flight, I introduced myself to Kathryn and Carolyn, two sisters who were on the trip (I recognized them because of the trip t-shirt they were wearing. The one I had stored in my carry-on and never ended up putting on)
courtesy of Rachel |
We had our first team meetings and learned lots of stuff. I'd tell you what I learned, but I can't remember. Oops.
We met with our individual teams for introductions and learned each others' strengths and visions for the trip. I am so excited to be working with these amazing people! I can't wait to get to know them even more!
Afterwards a small group of us went out in search of some late dining - a continued opportunity to get to know different people! I, however, was exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel after only having slept about 2 hours on Friday night and not much sleep on the plane.
This morning my team met bright and early and I informed them that, although I may be a "morning person" as far as being awake and alert in the morning, I have more trouble actually getting out of bed on time than a typical "morning person." Hopefully I won't be too late to activities and such.
Susie Shellenberger let our morning meeting with a lesson on Revelation. It was great :) Then we had more meetings/trainings, lunch and started preparing for the teens to come tomorrow by making team signs. My team's is pretty sweet. And pretty "me" - a.k.a. very colorful
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Front of our sign |
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Back of our sign |
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Sign for my seminar: EIEIOK = Everything I Ever Intend On Knowing |
I hope you're having a wonderful day!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I scream for ice cream!
And then it hit me: In one week, I can eat all the Mora Bars that my little heart desires! Within reason, I suppose.
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Eating Mora (and Coco) Bars in Shell during our lunch break |
Mora is similar to (if not the same as) blackberry. Last summer everyone told me it was like a blackberry, but they weren't the same thing. So I'm not quite sure. Nevertheless - Mora is my favorite flavor of ice cream.
Last summer, we loved stopping for ice cream. There was a "Pinguino" ice cream cart right outside the hospital every day. While I always checked to see if they had Magnum Bars first (they didn't often have them), my second choice was always the Mora Bar. And it was also my rationalization that Mora Bars were "healthy" because it is frozen fruit (they're at least healthier than magnum bars).
By the end of the summer, we were all hooked on ice cream. When we spent time in the jungle there were days when we'd stop for ice cream at least twice. We sweet talked our bus driver into stopping in random towns more than once so we could have an ice cream break.
I'm hoping to have the chance to get my hands on a Mora bar in a week. And if not a Mora bar, there's a restaurant called Crepes & Waffles right across the street from our hotel. I should know - it was the first place we went out to on our own via taxi last summer. But that's a story for a different day ;)
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Crepes & Waffles near the Marriott |
Amy Lynn
So close
I've been counting down since December - the countdown started at 176 days. I celebrated when it got to double digits. And now I'm down to counting hours.
Last night I was packing (I still can't believe I'm so ahead of my normal travel schedule). When I closed my suitcase up and weighed it for the final time (I had to do a bit of reorganizing), I turned to my roommate and told her I was ready to go and just wanted to leave in the morning - I didn't want to wait another two days.
I'm ready for another adventure. Even though I've been on a Susie Mag/Big World Ventures trip before and know what the general format of the trip, I don't really know what to expect. And part of that is I'm trying to convince myself not to expect too much. My trip to Peru in 2006 with Brio Magazine was such a life-changing experience. I want that again. I know it will happen again. But it will be completely different. I need to be prepared for it.
The problem is that I don't feel prepared. For any of it. I sometimes feel like a failure because I haven't prayed enough in preparation for the trip. I had grand plans of praying for each and every one of the students and leaders on my team (39 people, including myself). That has yet to happen. But I still have 41 hours, right? I know what I want to say in my seminar, but I don't feel qualified. But then I was reminded of the saying "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." He's given me the resources, and I've been trying to pray for His wisdom and leadership as I prepare.
But I have the day off from work today (it's too cold for most people to think about swimming in an outdoor pool), so I'm spending some time with God and continuing to prepare for this trip and what He has planned for everyone. And I know that even if I don't necessarily feel as though I'm prepared, I know that He has been working over the past several months to get me ready for what He has planned - even if it doesn't seem like it right now.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Within Reach
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Precious Little Children

Saturday, June 4, 2011
3 weeks!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Less than two months!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Update and Details
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Back to the Future...
I found out yesterday that I won’t be going to the U of M for Nursing school next year. After a friend texted me saying she got an interview and asking if I had heard anything yet, I got an email saying that they “regret to inform” me that I would not be granted an interview. I got the email after Developmental Biology. I was able to hold in the tears until everyone else had left class and I could talk to Dr. Winslow.
It reminded me of when I applied to be an RA. I had talked myself into not wanting to get the job, but still hoping for it. When I found out that I didn’t get it, I was relieved but disappointed. This time I was disappointed but somewhat relieved. While the two instances are similar for me, my reaction to the rejection shows me how much God has changed me over the past 2 years. When I didn’t get the RA position, the first thought that crossed my mind was that I wasn’t good enough for it. My first thought yesterday was, “Ok God, I guess that’s not what You had in mind, but I know You have something better for me in store.”
I can’t really even explain the tears. I know I needed to cry, but honestly, I was okay with not being accepted, even at that point. I had hoped and “planned” to go to U of M next year. My future was back to being up in the air again. But I am honestly so excited about the future right now. It doesn’t scare me, even though we’ll be out of college and really on our own for the first time. I guess it’s the joy that I find in knowing that God has a plan for my life. Ok, so I’m not going to the only nursing school I applied to. But obviously that’s not where God wants me right now. I have the potential to start working full time next fall, so unless God directs me differently, I have a general idea of where I may be. But I’m flexible. I know that God will direct my steps. He has so far (I’ll post more on that later).