Roommate's wedding: 10 days
Graduation: 16 days
ECUADOR: 58 days
It's been a long semester looking forward to these days, and now they're getting so close. I'm praying that I can finish the semester strong - it has been difficult, but I need to power through it.
Some prayer requests:
1. Support - I am so thankful to those who have supported me so far for this trip as well as for those who have supported me on my past trips (Peru 2006, Guatemala 2007, Ecuador 2010). I could not have done it without everyone and God :) I was a little behind in sending out support letters, but I have already seen God's blessing as support comes in slowly but surely.
2. Prayer for my brother. There was a time when he was thinking of not going, but he has made the commitment to go - please pray for God to open his heart (and mine too) for what He has in store for both of us.
3. I may potentially be leading a "seminar" for some of the girls on the trip on Song of Solomon - but that's not for sure yet. Why Song of Solomon? God has given me many opportunities to study this book this semester (2 classes at school, and a sermon series at church). When I was given the opportunity to submit an idea for a seminar, I drew a blank...but as I began to pray about it, God brought Song of Solomon to my mind. I am praying that God will use my 22 years of singleness as an example to these high school girls that you can make it through high school and college without a boyfriend :)
4. For Big World Venture as they finalize plans and organize everything with the trip. It is a huge undertaking for them (several hundred students and leaders on this trip). Prayer that everything comes together well in the next two months
That's all I can think of right now.
Thank you so much!
Amy Lynn
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